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즐겨찾기 아이콘 위치 수정이 가능합니다.
알리 주문하고 나서 판매자에게 쪽지가 왔네요;;;
게시물ID : jisik_194363짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 배고프다졸리다
추천 : 0
조회수 : 233회
댓글수 : 1개
등록시간 : 2015/06/03 22:43:25
Hello there
so sorry to trouble you.
u make an order 6756000000000
but we found that ur address is remote place,u should pay 36USD for the remote fee ,though you have paid shipping cost,but the cost is not enough
u can check on the following link:
if u will pay the grap price ,we will ship for u via DHL
if not ,we will send by arimail,ahout 15-30working days.and we will refund your shipping cost.
how ahout your choose.
looking forward your reply.
보면 돈을 지불을 해야하고 뭐 어쩌고 하는것 같은데... 자세히 제가 어떤것을 해야 할까요?
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