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게시물ID : freeboard_1024282짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : babpul
추천 : 1
조회수 : 173회
댓글수 : 1개
등록시간 : 2015/08/16 02:55:55

오랫만에 맥주 한잔하면서 Leaving Las Vegas를 보고 왔습니다.
정말 많은 생각이 오고가네요.
옛날에 봤던 때의 느낌과는 너무 달라요.

대사가 많은 것도 아니고 누구하나 주인공에 대해 설명 해주지 않지만,
도리어 그 불완전함이 오히려 더 깊게 이해할 수 있도록 해주는 그런 느낌?

옛날 영화는 역시 새벽에 다시 봐야해요!

야심한 새벽에 음악들으시면서 주무세요~

그러고 보니 CSI: Las Vegas에 엘리자베스 슈가 출연했던 것도 인연이라면 인연일까요?

"Angel Eyes"

Have you ever had the feeling
That the worlds gone and left you behind?
Have you ever had the feeling
That you're that close to losing your mind?

You look around each corner,
Hoping that she's there.
You try to play it cool, perhaps.
Pretend that you don't care.

But it doesn't do a bit of good.
You got to seek 'til you find.
Or you'll never unwind.

Try to think that loves not around.
Still it's uncomfortably near.
My old heart, ain't gaining no ground.
Because my angel eyes ain't here.

Angel eyes that old devil sent.
They glow unbearably bright.
Need I say, that my loves misspent?
Misspent with angel eyes tonight.

So drink up all you people.
Order anything you see.
Have fun you happy people.
The drink, and the laughs on me.

Pardon me, but I've got to run.
The facts uncomfortably clear.
Got to find who's now number one.
And why my angel eyes ain't here.

Tell me why my angel eyes ain't here.
Asking why my angel eyes ain't here.
Excuse me, while I disappear.
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