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twitter @08__hkkim 선관위 일 시키기 위해서 필요한 것
게시물ID : sisa_1040775짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 쓰던닉넴털림
추천 : 12
조회수 : 1430회
댓글수 : 2개
등록시간 : 2018/04/10 15:07:19
  • 창작글

일단 선관위에서 08__hkkim 수사 착수했다는 기사

경기선관위, '이재명 부인 계정 의혹' 트위터 조사 착수

그럼 경기선관위에서 해야 하는 것

트위터의 법집행 가이드라인

법집행 요구사항 FAQ

What types of legal requests does Twitter receive?
Legal requests may come from law enforcement, government agencies, lawyers representing a criminal defendant, civil litigants, or from other authorised reporters such as official anti-discrimination organisations in Europe.
  • Information requests – Law enforcement requests for account information are usually issued in connection with criminal investigations. Civil requests for account information are typically made by lawyers in connection with non-criminal/civil legal actions such as a divorce proceeding or a business dispute.
  • Removal requests – Twitter sometimes receives legal requests alleging that content posted to Twitter may be illegal in one or more countries around the world. For example, content may be alleged to violate laws related to defamation, illegal activities, or national security. Requests may also be reporting content that is potentially in violation of Twitter’s Terms of Service or Rules.
선관위에 해당되는 기관... government agencies
트위터에 요구해야 하는 것 Information requests,  in connection with criminal investigations

Questions about information requests:
What types of account information may be produced in response to a valid legal request?
Obtaining non-public information, such as an email address used to sign-up for an account or IP login information, requires valid legal process like a subpoena, court order, or other local legal process, depending on the country that issues the request.
Requests for the contents of communications (e.g., Tweets, Direct Messages, photos) require a valid search warrant or equivalent. This is a higher burden of proof for law enforcement or government agents to demonstrate before a judge will agree to such a request.
For additional information on the types of legal process required to obtain specific types of account information please see the “Types of Legal Process” section in our transparency report and Twitter’s Guidelines for Law Enforcement.

이메일이나 계정 정보 IP 로그인 정보 알려면 필요한 것 : 요구하는 나라에 따라 영장, 법원명령, 또는 법적절차가 필요
통신내용까지 다 알려면 수색영장 종류가 필요함.  하지만 접속 정보 요구는 법적절차가 되면 가능함

선관위는 정부기관이고, 법적으로 요구할 수 있는 권한이 있음.   공직선거법상 있다고 함.
http://www.nocutnews.co.kr/news/980819  [(c)연합뉴스]2012-11-07 10:35
지난 2월 국회를 통과한 공직선거법 개정안은 영장없이도 개인정보 제공을 하도록 규정하고 있기 때문이다. 

Guidelines for law enforcement

Requests for Twitter account information
Private information requires a subpoena or court order

Non-public information about Twitter users will not be released to law enforcement except in response to appropriate legal process such as a subpoena, court order, or other valid legal process – or in response to a valid emergency request, as described below.

사용자 계정 정보 찾으려면 ....other valid legal process
필요한 것

What details must be included in account information requests?

Requests for user account information in accordance with applicable law, are required to include the following information:
  • Include the Twitter @username and URL of the subject Twitter account in question (e.g., https://twitter.com/twittersafety (@twittersafety) or an account's unique, public user identification number or UID. For instructions on locating a Twitter UID see here;
  • And/or include the valid Periscope username and URL (e.g., @twittersafety and https://periscope.tv/twittersafety). Find instructions on locating a Periscope username here;
  • Provide details about what specific information is requested (e.g., basic subscriber information) and its relationship to your investigation;
    • NOTE: Please ensure that the information you seek is not publicly available (e.g., Tweets that are not protected). We are unable to process overly broad or vague requests.
  • Include a valid official email address (e.g., [email protected]) so we may get back in touch with you upon receipt of your legal process;
  • Be issued on law enforcement letterhead.

필요한 것 목록
대략 이렇게 필요함
이유에 혐의등등을 써야 할 것으로 보임,선거법 위반이나 혹은 다른 실정법 위반 사유등등


이렇게 써 놓으면 선관위에서 이거 보고 트위터에 공문 보낼 것이라고 망상중임

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