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호란누나의 괜찮은여자 엘범중 불면증.. 최고에요
게시물ID : freeboard_946829짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : sdgash243
추천 : 0
조회수 : 105회
댓글수 : 2개
등록시간 : 2015/06/27 00:45:28
I dream of you every night Thinking of you dreaming tight

eyes are opened, red and white

I dream of you every night staring at the candle light 

think I'm gonna lose my sight

I see you I see you with my eyes awake 

I see you with my eyes shut down eh 

ai, ai, ai, insomnia

I dream of you every night What an unhappy delight 

such a pretty parasite

I dream of you every night Spinning like a satellite 

No matter how I fight

I see you I see you with my eyes awake 

I see you with my eyes shut down, eh

Is it right, is it wrong, is it anything at all, Insomnia

when can I ever get to stop dreaming of you 

when can I ever get to sleep sober

when can I ever get to stop thinking of you
or will I ever go to sleep, ever?

I dream of you every night thinking of you dreaming tight

eyes are opened, red and white

I dream of you every night staring at the candle light

think I'm gonna lose my sight

I see you I see you with my eyes awake

I see you with my eyes shut down, eh

Is it right, is it wrong, is it anything at all, Insomnia

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