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등록시간 : 2015/06/30 15:27:46

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아래는 동성 결혼을 지지하는 379개 회사 목록입니다.

A.L. Nella & Company, LLP, CPAs

A.T. Kearney

Aardema Whitelaw, PLLC

Acacia Home LLC*


Aetna Inc. 

Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.

AJ Leo Electric and Solar

Akamai Technologies, Inc.

Alaska Airlines

Alcoa Inc.

Amazon Services Inc. *

Amazon.com, Inc. 
amazon logo

American Airlines Group Inc.

American Apparel*

American Express Company

American International Group, Inc.*

Aparicio-Mercado Law, L.C.*

Apple Inc. 
apple logoi

AppNexus Inc.*


Arbor Brewing Company, LLC

Arnold & Porter LLP

Aspen Skiing Company

Assemble Sound LLC

AT&T Inc.

Atlas Cut Stone

Atticus Circle

The Austin Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce

Avanade Inc.

Bain & Company, Inc.*

Bakehouse Art Complex*

Baker & McKenzie LLP

Bank of America

The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation


Barnes & Noble, Inc.

bebe stores, inc.

Becton, Dickinson and Company

Belcampo Inc.

Ben & Jerry’s 
ben jerrys

Big Duck Studio, Inc.

Bigelow Villa LLC

Billy’s Farm*

BlackRock, Inc.

Bloomberg L.P.

Blue Apron, Inc.

Blue Heron Ventures

Blue Moon Hotel / Winter Haven Hotel*

Blume, Faulkner & Skeen, PLLC*

Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc.*

Boston Community Capital, Inc.

Boston Consulting Group

The Boston Foundation*

Boston Medical Center Corporation*

Boston Scientific Corporation

Brady Mills LLC

BrandQuery LLC

Bristol-Myers Squibb Company

Broadcom Corporation


Cablevision Systems Corporation

Capital One Financial Corporation

Captain Wendell’s Marine Services LLC

Cardinal Health, Inc.*

Care Resource

CBS Corporation


Central Physical Therapy and Fitness, PSC


Charlotte Business Guild

The Chubb Corporation

CIGNA Corporation

Cisco Systems, Inc.

Citigroup Inc.

City Catering Company

City Lites Neon, Inc.

The City of Ann Arbor, Michigan

Civitas Public Affairs Group

Clean Yield Asset Management

CloudFlare, Inc.

CMIT Solutions of Seattle Downtown

The Coca-Cola Company

Cohen & Associates

Colgate-Palmolive Company

Columbia FunMap, Inc. *

Comcast Corporation

The Computer Butler

ConAgra Foods, Inc.*

The Corcoran Group

Corner Brewery, LLC*

Corning Incorporated*

Cox Enterprises, Inc.

Crazy Misfits Pet Services

Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC

Cummins Inc.

Cupcake Royale*

CVS Health Corporation 

Dallas Voice

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Inc.*

Danaher Corporation

David J. Jarrett, P.C.

David Kosar Insurance Agency

David Mack Henderson Income Tax Preparation

DCI Group AZ, L.L.C.*

Deloitte LLP

Delta Air Lines, Inc.

Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation*

The Desert Business Association*

Deutsche Bank AG

Diageo North America, Inc.



Domini Social Investments LLC

The Dow Chemical Company

Dreamcatcher Arts and Publishing Ltd. *

Dropbox, Inc.


eBay Inc. 
ebay logo


Eldercare Consulting

Electronic Arts Inc.

EnduringHydro, LLC

Ernst & Young LLP

The Estée Lauder Companies Inc.

Event Rents*

Everything Real Estate LLC

Express Movers Inc.

Facebook, Inc.

Farella Braun + Martel, LLP


Fenwick & West LLP

First Data Corporation*

1st Security Bank

1stdibs.Com, Inc.

FIT Technologies

Flanery CPA

Full Court Press Communications

G.A.W., Inc. *

The Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce Nevada*

General Electric Company 
general electric logo

General Mills, Inc.


Gilt Groupe Holdings, Inc.

GlaxoSmithKline LLC

Gleason & Associates Claims Services

Go Factory, Inc.

Goethel Engelhardt, PLLC

The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.

Google Inc.

Goulston & Storrs, P.C.*

Great Officiants LLC

The Greater Connecticut Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce

Greater San Diego Business Association*

Greater Seattle Business Association


Grossman Marketing Group

Group Health Cooperative*


Growing Hope

Harrell Remodeling

The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc.*


Hewlett-Packard Company

Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc.*

Holdredge Wines

Homeward Pet Adoption Center

Horizon Air Industries, Inc.

House Packard LLC


Ikard Wynne LLP

The Independence Business Alliance

The Inland Northwest Business Alliance

Insala, Ltd

Inspirato, LLC

Integrated Archive Systems, Inc.

Integrity Law Group*

Intel Corporation

Intuit Inc.


Jackson Hole Group LLC

Jagod Designs

Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Jenn T. Grace International LLC

Jennifer Brown Consulting

JetBlue Airways Corporation

The Jim Henson Company

Johnson & Johnson

Johnston, Kinney and Zulaica LLP

Jonathan L. Bowman, Attorney at Law, PS

JPMorgan Chase & Co. 
jpmorgan logo

Julian Chang Consulting, Inc.

kapchur.us photography

The Kathy A. Janssen Foundation

Kazan, McClain, Satterley, & Greenwood, PLC

Keir Jones Agency – State Farm

Keker & Van Nest LLP*

KEO Marketing Inc.

Kimberly-Clark Corp.

Kimpton Hotel & Restaurant Group, LLC

Kollmar Sheet Metal Works, Inc.

Kotzan Chiropractic*


Lambda Business Association

Laparoscopic Institute for Gynecologic Oncology

Larson Marketing & Communications LLC

Laughton Properties*

Law Offices of Joel L. Sogol

Law Office of Lisa E. Schuchman

Law Office of Lorie L. Burch, PC

Law Offices of Robin L. Bodiford, P.A.*

The Law Office of Susan K. Fuller, PLLC

Levi Strauss & Co. 
levi jeans

Liberty Burger*

Lieff Cabraser Heimann & Bernstein, LLP

Life & Love Celebrations*

Link in the Chain Foundation, Inc.

Littler Mendelson, P.C.

LNT, Inc.

The Long Beach Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce

Lori Karbal et al*

Loring, Wolcott & Coolidge Trust, LLC

The Los Angeles Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce*

Main Street Hair Shoppe Ltd.

Marriott International, Inc.

Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc.

Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company

McGraw Hill Financial, Inc.*

McKesson Corporation*

McKinsey & Company, Inc.*

Merca Property Management

The Miami-Dade Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce

Microsoft Corporation*
microsoft logo

The Mid-America Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce

Miller & Olson, LLP

Miller Shelton Group, LLC*

MillerCoors LLC

Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo, P.C.

Mona Smith PLLC

Moody’s Corporation

Morgan Miller Plumbing

Morgan Stanley

MWW Public Relations

NAMI Dallas, Inc. *

The Nashville LGBT Chamber of Commerce

The National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce

Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company

Neumann Capital Management, LLC

The New England Patriots 
new england patriots

New Leaf Columbus

New York Life Insurance Company

Nifty Hoops, LLC

NIKE, Inc.*

Nixon Peabody LLP*

North Texas GLBT Chamber of Commerce*

Northrop Grumman Corporation

OBOX Solutions

Office Depot, Inc. 
office depot

The Ogilvy Group, Inc.

Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C.

ONE Community Media, LLC

1 Source Consulting Solutions*

Oracle America, Inc.

Orbitz Worldwide, Inc.*

Out & Equal Workplace Advocates

Outerwall Inc.

Pakmode Publications, LLC

d/b/a Pakmode Media + Marketing

Pandora Media, Inc.


Peabody & Arnold LLP*

Pepper Hamilton LLP


Pfizer Inc.

Pixelligent Technologies LLC

Plexus Education Foundation

Plexus LGBT and Allied Chamber of Commerce

Portland Area Business Association*

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP


The PrintingWorks

Pro-Tec Data, Inc.

Procter & Gamble

ProTrials Research, Inc. *

Prudential Financial, Inc.

Puma Spring Vineyards

Qualcomm Incorporated


RAFI Architecture and Design*

Rainbow Chamber of Commerce Silicon Valley

Ralph’s Regal Weddings

Ray Holley Communications*

RBC Capital Markets, LLC

Replacements, Ltd. *

Restaurant Management Concepts

Reverberate! Marketing Communications, Inc.

Rising Tide Brewing Company*

RJR Photography

Robert H Stutz Jr CPA*

Rockwell Automation, Inc.

Rotella & Hernandez, LLC

The Sacramento Rainbow Chamber of Commerce*

Sadek Bonahoom PLC

The San Francisco Chamber of Commerce

The San Francisco Giants
san francisco giants

The Seattle Lesbian, LLC

Seattle Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce*

Sempra Energy*

Seyfarth Shaw LLP

Shingles Roofing LLC*

Sidetrack, Inc. *

Simon, Schindler & Sandberg LLP

Skellenger Bender, P.S.

Skyworks Solutions, Inc.*

Sleeves Up Productions, LLC*


Spectra Law PS

Spry Vision, Inc.

St. Jude Medical, Inc.

Staples, Inc.*

Starbucks Corporation

Starrtek LLC*

State Street Corporation

Steven Graves Insurance Agency*

Stonewall Behavioral Health

Stonewall Columbus

Stuffed Cakes, LLC*

Sun Life Financial (U.S.) Services Company, Inc.


Support.com, Inc.

Sweet Dixie Kitchen*

Symantec Corporation

Taber Food Services, Inc.

dba Hobee’s California Restaurants

The Tampa Bay Rays

Target Corporation 
target logo

TD Bank, N.A.

TD Securities (USA) LLC

Tech Data Corporation*


Thinking Cap Communications & Design

Third Point LLC

Thomson Reuters*

Tiwary Entertainment Group LLC

TNT Promotions, LLC*

TOCA Events, LLC*

TravelOut, Inc.

Tutta Bella Neapolitan Pizzeria

Twitter, Inc.

206 Inc. *


The Ultimate Software Group, Inc.

United Air Lines, Inc.

United Therapeutics Corporation

Uptown Physicians Group*

VCB Consulting & Accounting Services*

Verizon Communications Inc.

Viacom Inc.

Visa Inc.


VMware, Inc. *

W. M. Martin Advertising

W.W. Grainger, Inc.*

W/S Development Associates LLC*

Walsh Wellness Center*

The Walt Disney Company*

Wasserman Media Group

Wells Fargo & Company

Whey Natural! USA LLC

Wisconsin LGBT Chamber of Commerce

Witeck Communications, Inc.

The Workplace Equality Index

Wyndham Worldwide Corporation

Xerox Corporation



Ypsilanti Downtown Development Authority

Zausmer, Kaufman, August & Caldwell, P.C.

Zingerman’s Community of Businesses


Zynga Inc.

잘 알려진 (사실 제가 아는...) 기업들은 하이라이트 쳐봤습니다.


아 혹시 이분이랑 같이 동성애 혹은 동성결혼을 지지하는 기업들에 대해 불매 운동을 하시겠다구요?

아 그럼 일단 페이스북 트위터 계정 삭제하시구요
구글, 유투브,크롬,아마존,이베이 다 사용하실 생각 일절 마시고
지금 쓰시는 컴퓨터가 hp거다 아니면 cpu가 인텔이다 하시면 컴퓨터 박살내시면 됩니다!
다행이 컴퓨터가 hp께 아니고 cpu가 amd 라구요? 그래도 부수세요 어차피 windows 쓰잖아요?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
핸드폰이 애플이면 지금 당장 바닥에 쎄게 후려 던지시구요!

집에 있는 나이키 옷은 다 버리시고
리바이스 청바지도 다 버리세요

컴퓨터는 됐고 밖으로 나가시겠다?
스타벅스 커피는 드시면 안되구요
콜라도 드시면 안됩니다~
결제할때도 카드 결제 안됩니다~^^ 마스터카드랑 비자 둘다 리스트 안에 있으니까요

회사에서도 hp나 xerox 프린터면 프린트를 완강히 거부하십시요!

아프셔도 파이저 약은 드시면 안됩니다?

그럼 잘 생존해 보시길

출처 http://i100.independent.co.uk/article/what-happens-when-you-vow-to-boycott-progay-marriage-brands--WylxNbYEXfl
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