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미국 폴라초이스에서 영어 메일이 왔는데 무슨 내용인가요??
게시물ID : english_10451짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : Snail.
추천 : 0
조회수 : 935회
댓글수 : 4개
등록시간 : 2015/02/26 19:17:29
  • 본인삭제금지

안녕하세요.. 미국 폴라초이스(화장품 회사)에서 메일이 한 통 왔는데 

영어를 잘몰라서 정확히 어떤 내용인 지 모르겠네요.

혹시 아래 영문 편지를 해석해 주실분 계신가요??


Thank you for contacting us. The letters PA followed by plus signs (PA++, PA+++) on a sunscreen product label are a rating system developed and used in Japan. Although this system is interesting, it has its drawbacks. The PA system concerns only UVA protection; PA++ indicates moderate UVA protection, PA+++ indicates high UVA protection. Some regulatory experts argue that this type of test isn't reliable because it looks only at UVA radiation, while natural sunlight is a mix of UVA and UVB, each of which damages skin, although in different ways.

The other issue is that PA++ ratings are determined based on what's known as "persistent pigment darkening" or PPD. That sounds reasonable—if your skin gets darker, then the UVA rays, which cause tanning, are getting through. In the testing, however, even on people who have the same skin tone initially, the color their skin turns after UVA exposure is routinely inconsistent, some darker, some lighter.

So, PA testing differs from the UV critical wavelength testing used to test sunscreens in the United States and European Union (EU). The U.S. and EU method is considered more reliable because the subjects are exposed to the UV light (both UVA and UVB) they will encounter in real-world settings and the sunscreen's UV protection ability is measured against this type of exposure.

Regardless of the issues with the PA rating system, a well-formulated sunscreen will provide broad-spectrum protection and, as with any sunscreen, should be applied liberally and reapplied as needed to maintain protection. But, as explained above, in most scenarios the "reapply every two hours no matter what" guideline is not only impractical, but also truly unnecessary.

Hopefully this information proves helpful but do contact us again if you have any further questions.

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