인터뷰 일부 발췌 :
Mourinho said : ‘You can’t imagine how difficult it was. I think only Frank knows that, but at the same time I can feel some happiness about the process because, for sure, he comes back to Chelsea. ‘For sure. Everybody wants it. Mr Abramovich — the No 1, the most important person — wants Frank to be back very much, I want him to be back and the staff want him back, so he comes back for sure. ‘He can come back the way he wants. Mr Abramovich has left the door completely open for him on the understanding Frank can do anything he wants at this club. To repeat Mr Abramovich’s words, “He can come back the way he wants”. ‘He can be a coach, he can start at the academy, he can start being my assistant at the same time because he is doing his coaching badges, or he can start in a different role. ‘It’s not the end of Frank Lampard’s career in Chelsea. It’s just a little break. ‘He will be back, hopefully for many, many years, because he’s one of the most important players in the history of Chelsea.’
요약 번역:
무리뉴 감독님 : "램파드 선수는 언제든, 어떤 보직이든, 그가 원할 때 복귀할 수 있습니다. 로만 구단주님 역시 '그는 언제든지 원한다면 첼시로 복귀할 수 있다'고 말씀하셨습니다. 그는 코치를 할 수도 있고, 아카데미에서 시작할 수도 있으며 내 보조 역할도 동시에 맡을 수 있습니다. 램파드의 첼시 커리어는 절대 아직 끝난 게 아닙니다. 단지 길지않은 작별에 불과합니다. 그는 복귀할 것이고, 첼시의 역사상 가장 중요한 선수 중 1명으로 오랫동안 기억될 것입니다."
출처 : 데일리 메일, http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2649943/Frank-Lampard-definitely-make-Chelsea-return-claims-Jose-Mourinho-job-wants.html