게시판 즐겨찾기
드래그 앤 드롭으로
즐겨찾기 아이콘 위치 수정이 가능합니다.
JAVA 초보 질문드립니다.
게시물ID : programmer_12748짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : InFlames
추천 : 0
조회수 : 526회
댓글수 : 2개
등록시간 : 2015/08/15 23:23:47
  • 본인삭제금지
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;

public class IdealWeight extends JFrame implements ChangeListener {
JRadioButton genderM, genderF;
ButtonGroup genderGroup;
JPanel genderPanel;
JRadioButton heightA, heightB, heightC, heightD, heightE;
ButtonGroup heightGroup;
JPanel heightPanel;
JTextField   resultText;
JLabel       resultLabl;
JPanel       resultPanel;
int Result1 = 35;
    int Result2 = 55;
int Result3 = 65;
int Result4 = 75;
int Result5 = 85;
int result = 0;
public IdealWeight() {
setTitle("Your Ideal Weight");
genderM = new JRadioButton("MALE", true);
genderF = new JRadioButton("Female", false);
genderGroup = new ButtonGroup();
genderPanel = new JPanel();
genderPanel.setLayout( new BoxLayout(genderPanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
genderPanel.add( new JLabel("Your Gender"));
heightA = new JRadioButton("60 to 64 inches", true );
   heightB = new JRadioButton("64 to 68 inches", false );
   heightC = new JRadioButton("68 to 72 inches", false );
   heightD = new JRadioButton("72 to 76 inches", false );
   heightE = new JRadioButton("76 to 80 inches", false );
   heightGroup = new ButtonGroup();
   heightGroup.add( heightA ); heightGroup.add( heightB );
   heightGroup.add( heightC ); heightGroup.add( heightD );
   heightGroup.add( heightE );
   heightPanel = new JPanel();
   heightPanel.setLayout( new BoxLayout( heightPanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS ) );
   heightPanel.add( new JLabel("Your Height") );
   heightPanel.add( heightA ); heightPanel.add( heightB );
   heightPanel.add( heightC ); heightPanel.add( heightD );
   heightPanel.add( heightE );
   // result panel
   resultText  = new JTextField(7);
   resultText.setEditable( false );   
   resultLabl  = new JLabel("Ideal Weight");
   resultPanel = new JPanel();
   resultPanel.add( resultLabl );
   resultPanel.add( resultText );
   // frame:  use default layout manager
   add( genderPanel, BorderLayout.WEST );
   add( heightPanel, BorderLayout.EAST );
   add( resultPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH  );
protected void genderResult(ChangeEvent evt) {
JRadioButton source;  
source = (JRadioButton)evt.getSource();
if (source == genderM) {
if (source == heightA) {
result += Result1;
else if(source == heightB) {
result = result + Result2;
else if(source == heightC) {
result = result + Result3;
else if(source == heightD) {
result = result + Result4;
else if(source == heightE) {
result = result + Result5;
if (source == genderF){
if (source == heightA) {
result = result + Result1-10;
else if(source == heightB) {
result = result + Result2-10;
else if(source == heightC) {
result = result + Result3-10;
else if(source == heightD) {
result = result + Result4-10;
else if(source == heightE) {
result = result + Result5-10;
public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent evt) {
public static void main ( String[] args )
   IdealWeight weightApp  = new IdealWeight() ;
   weightApp.setSize( 250, 225 );  
   weightApp.setResizable( false ); 
   weightApp.setVisible( true );        

두 라디오 버튼 그룹중에 남자와 여자 성별에 따른 몸무게를 출력하려고 합니다. 성별 선택 이후 키선택을 하고 몸무게 값이 나오게 하려고 하는데, 결과값이 0으로만 나옵니다. 

ItemListener 인터페이스를 쓰게 되면 해결은 되는데, ChangeListener 를 사용해서 결과값을 나오게 하고 싶은데요 좋은 방법있을까요.  
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