Sadly, all great things must come to an end and this is true even for World in Conflict. It is with sadness that we now inform you that all online services for World in Conflict will be shut-down as of October 6th 2015. It was a very difficult decision to make but for several reasons it is not possible to keep the servers online anymore. This includes Massgate, the game severs and the forums, which means it will only be possible to play campaign and LAN games after that.
Your enjoyment of our games have always been what matters most to us. We are forever grateful for the dedication and love you have shown over the eight years since release. While this marks the end of this World in Conflict saga you should know we are working hard on other titles we hope you will come to enjoy just as much. We also want you to know that World in Conflict has a very special place in our heart and while there currently are no plans for a sequel, you never know what the future might hold!
If you have any questions regarding the shut-down, please reach out to the Customer Support team at
In closing – we at Massive thank you for your support and the love you have shown. Don’t be surprised if you see some of us joining you on the battlefield during these last weeks of World in Conflict!
// Massive Entertainment
8월 27일 매스게이트 포럼에 공지된 바에 따르면 오는 9월 6일 월드 인 컨플릭트의 8년간의 온라인 서비스를 마무리한다 합니다.
그에 따라서 온라인 플레이는 물론 매스게이트 포럼, 게임 내 채팅 등 많은 기능들이 사라질 예정입니다.
포럼에선 일부 공돌느님들이 서버를 이어받는 것을 논의중이지만, 아직 진척은 없습니다.
물론 가상 랜을 통한 플레이는 가능하겠지만 그래도 아쉽네요!
동접자 50명 간당간당하던 게임이니 당연한 수순이겠지만은... 그렇네요. 아직까지 하던 사람들은 서러울 따름입니다.