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1.9] 15w46a 토끼 변경사항!
게시물ID : minecraft_22073짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 그냥바보
추천 : 1
조회수 : 933회
댓글수 : 3개
등록시간 : 2015/11/13 22:35:03
15w46a has a few changes for rabbits: 토끼 변경사항!
- Smaller than before. 더 작아짐!
- Chance to drop a rabbit's foot is now 10% + 3 percentage points per level of Looting (was 2.5% + 1 percentage point per Looting).토끼발의 확률 10% + 루팅레벨에 따라서 3%
- Now only spawn in deserts, flower forests, taiga, mega taiga, cold taiga, ice plains, ice mountains, ice plains spikes, and "hills" and "M" variants of these biomes. Even in these biomes, spawn chance is somewhat reduced (weight 4 out of 44–52 rather than 10 out of 50–58). 
사막,꽃숲,타이가,아이스 바이옴에서 출현한다, 
- Rabbits are faster when panicking. 
패닉상태일때 더 빨라진다
- Rabbits no longer prefer begging for food to mating.
짝짓기를 위해서 음식구걸을 하지 않는다.
- Non-killer rabbits now avoid players within 8 blocks and most hostile mobs within 4 blocks (except slimes, magma cubes, and ghasts), and move faster when doing so. Also, avoidance range for wolves was reduced from 16 to 10 blocks.논킬러 토끼들은 8블럭안에 플레이어가 오면 피한다, 적대적 몬스터들은 4블럭안에 오면 피한다 (슬라임,마그마큐브 제외)
그리고 더 빨리 움직인다,

- Health reduced from 10 to 3.
피가 3으로 줄어들었다
- Naturally-spawned rabbit's skin depends on the biome. When breeding rabbits, there is a 5% chance the baby will match the biome rather than either parent. 자연 스폰 토끼는 바이옴에 따라서 스킨이 달라진다, 배양시 5%확률로 부모와 다른 스킨이 나온다
- In a snowy biome, 80% white and 20% black & white.
스노우 바이옴에서는 80퍼센트가 하양 20퍼센트가 검하양스킨이 나온다- In a desert or desert hills, 100% gold.
사막바이옴에서는 100퍼센트 골드스킨이나온다- Otherwise, 50% brown, 40% salt & pepper, 10% black.
다른곳에선 50%로 갈색, 40퍼센트로 소금,후추 10%검은색이 나온다- MoreCarrotTicks no longer has any effect.
- When destroying crops, MoreCarrotTicks is set to 40 rather than 100.- Rabbits eating carrot crops now reduces the growth stage by 1 level, only removing the crop block entirely if the growth stage was 0. 토끼는 당근 새싹을 1단계로 줄인다, 성장단계가 0레벨일때만 새싹이 없어진다.
작아진 46a 토끼

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