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Doris Day - Tea For Two
게시물ID : music_112771짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 피소금
추천 : 2
조회수 : 185회
댓글수 : 0개
등록시간 : 2015/07/03 12:41:35

Oh honey, picture me upon your knee
with tea for two and two for tea
just me for you and you for me, alone!
nobody near us, to see use or hear us
no friends or relations on weekend vacation
we won't have it knows, dear
that we won't a telephone dear 
Nobody near us to see us or hear us 
No friends no relations on weekend vacations 
We won't have it known dear
That we own a telephone dear

Day will break and you'll awake
And start to bake a sugar cake 
For me to for all the boys to see
We wil raise a family 
A boy for you and a girl for me
Can't you see how happy we would be?

picture me upon your knee
tea for two and two for tea
me for you and you for me, alone!
nobody near us, to see use or hear us
no friends or relations on weekend vacation
We won't have it known dear
That we own a telephone dear

Day will break and you'll awake
And start to bake a sugar cake 
For me to for all the boys to see
We wil raise a family 
A boy for you and a girl for me
Can't you see how happy we would be?
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