내가 존경하는사람은 에디슨이다 , 왜냐하면 그가 없었다면 지금처럼 과학이 발전되지않았을것이다 I admire people who are Edison, if it was not because he would not have been the development of science is like now
나는 시간있을때 인터넷을하거나 TV를 본다 I have the internet or watch TV whenever we had time
내 생활신조는 "항상 남들보다 열심히하자"입니다 Tenets of my life, "Let's always harder than the others, is" 공부를 열심히 해서 상위권에 들어서 장학금을 타보고싶다 For the top scholarship to study hard and he wants to ride