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해외 주문 컴플레인 하려는데 간단히 영작 부탁드립니다
게시물ID : english_11367짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : ii
추천 : 0
조회수 : 492회
댓글수 : 2개
등록시간 : 2015/11/09 23:15:26
주문을 한 건 2주 전..
하나는 받았는데 다른 하나는 집에 사람이 없으니까 돌아갔다고 하네요
근데 보통 post office에서 하루 정도는 맡아주는데 바로 sender에게 반환돼버림(심지어 메세지도 없이!)
그래서 메일을 보냈거든요
i ordered two products from this website, but one hasnt arrived yet(which is 상품명)
since i didnt received any card or call from PO could u please check its status and send it back? thanks

근데 답장이 없음...24시간 안에 온댔는데 3일째 기다리고 있네요^^
리뷰를 남겨서 컴플레인 걸려고 하는데 간단히 영작 가능한가요?
좀 강한 뉘앙스로 보내고 싶은데 영어 실력이 딸려서 부탁드립니다. 아래는 대강 보내고 싶은 내용이에요

i ordered this like 2 weeks ago and still waiting for it cuz it is sent back to the sender when i was out. so i asked to send it back via email, and it is said ill receive a reply in 24 hrs or something. ok so i waited again... 3 DAYS. still hasn t got any reply. Is this fucking sweater really worth 2 weeks of waiting? are u guys importing textiles from Vietnam or China something and hand making strand by strand? That s why it takes so long? these ppl are too busy to even write an email so if anyone wants to buy this sweater please consider it again, cuz you will never able to receive it.
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