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제가 내일 면접 30~1분 자기소개해야하는데 봐주세요
게시물ID : english_11373짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 반대ㄴㄴ해
추천 : 0
조회수 : 612회
댓글수 : 1개
등록시간 : 2015/11/11 14:51:58

Great meet you.


First of all, thank you for this opportunity to have an interview.


My name is 이름 and 나이 years old.


I’m currently junior at 대학, majoring in Digital Electronics Division

and will be graduating next February.


I have been very interested in Semiconductor, so I have applied for this company.


I have great adaptability, and I’m a faster learner.


therefore, I’m confident that I will get along well with my coworkers and adapt the new working environment.


I hope that we meet doesn’t end, I wish I can see a long time you.


thank you for listening my introduction.

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