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[더포레스트] 0.29 업데이트 (원문)
게시물ID : gametalk_286466짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 차케라
추천 : 1
조회수 : 2450회
댓글수 : 4개
등록시간 : 2015/12/12 21:59:08
  • 창작글
  • 펌글
  • 외부펌금지
v0.29 - Improved cave entrances, gameplay and pacing balance, book to do list and stats pages added, new bird type, player weight, strength and athleticism simulation added.
-향상된 동굴입구, 게임플레이와 움직임 밸런스, 책목록에 stats 페이지 추가, 새로운 새 타입, 플레이어 무게, 힘, 운동시뮬레이션 추가
Hey Everyone.
For this patch we’re introducing a more complex version of the player survival systems. Eat too much for too long? you’ll start to put on weight and stats such as athleticism will go down. Eat too little and exercise too much, strength will eventually begin to go down. It’s important now to keep an eye on how you are eating and your energy levels as they have more gameplay impact. These new stats are available in the new ‘Stat’ page of the survival book.
-이 패치로 우리는 더 복잡해진 플레이어의 생존시스템을 소개합니다. 더 오랜 시간을 위해 많이먹기? 당신은 살찌고 운동능력이 떨어질것입니다. 너무 적게 먹는다면 당신의 근력이 떨어질 것입니다. 당신의 에너지레벨과 얼마나 먹는지 주시하는게 좋습니다.
이런 통계는 당신의 생존책의 'stat' 페이지에서 확인할 수 있습니다.
Also new to the survival book is the To Do list. The player character will write down notes for things that seem important to do as the game progresses, early on functioning as a mini tutorial - build a camp, find food, and later giving more focus to cave exploration
Gameplay balance has had an overhaul pass this patch. We’ve made skinny cannibals weaker, giving players more chance of surviving against them early on. We’ve added a stealth visibility icon whilst crouched to help players understand when visible to enemies, and also to make clear that hiding in a bush is a perfectly fine alternative to combat.
-또한 생존책의 To do 리스트에 새로운것이 추가됐습니다. 플레이어 케릭터는 중요해보이는 것들을 노트에 적을 수 있습니다. 미니 듀토리얼 기능에 - 캠프짓기, 식량찾기, 그리고 후에 동굴탐사에 더 포커스를 맞추게 됩니다.
게임플레이 벨런스를 위해 이 패치를 점검했습니다. 우리는 플레이어들의 생존을 위해 마른 식인종들을 약하게 만들었습니다.
또한 플레이어가 적들에게 은신중임을 인지할 수 있도록 은신 아이콘을 가시화 했습니다. 
 또한 효율적인 전투를 위해 수풀에 숨는것은 훌륭한 대안일 수 있습니다.
We’ve also tweaked how enemies find you in the world. Previously they would seem to always find you no matter what you did or where you hid. Now, there is a lower chance overall of them finding your base, however lit fires at night, or making lots of noise (such as chopping down trees) can alert enemies to your presence. If you’re finding swarms of enemies attacking your base - try putting out the fires or making less noise.
-또 우리는 적들이 당신을 어떻게 찾을것인지를 수정했습니다. 이전에는 당신이 어디서 언제 무엇을 하던지간에 당신을 볼 수 있었습니다만, 이제는 당신의 베이스를 발견할 확률을 낮췄지만, 밤에 불을 비운다던지 큰 소움을 낼때(벌목을 할때 나는 소리라거나)는 당신의 위치를 노출시킬 수 있습니다.
적들이 당신의 베이스를 공격하고 있을땐 발견할 수 있습니다. -이제 불을 끄거나 소음을 적게 내세요
(*사실 번역기로는 이 부분이 제일 애매하네요 영어능력자님들 댓글좀 주세요...)
Additionally there’s some new art, some new plane audio during crash, and lots of other improvements, fixes and additions all listed below.
Although previous save games should all continue to work fine, we recommend starting a fresh game this patch release due to the balance changes made.
As always, please continue to post your bug reports and feedback in the Discussions area of the Community Hub
-추가적으로 약간의 아트, 약간의 비행기 충돌소리, 그리고 많은 개선사항들, 버그픽스들과 추가된점들이 아래 열거되어있습니다.
이 전 세이브 게임이 원활하게 구동될 수 되도록, 이 패치로 새로운 게임이 되도록 밸런스 작업을 했습니다.
그리고 언제나, 당신이 버그리포트와 피드백을 커뮤니티 허브에 등록해주길 바랍니다. 
-v0.29 변화목록
v0.29 Changelog:
New survival book page: To Do list
 /생존책 : To Do 리스트
New survival book page: Stats page
/생존책 : Stats(능력치) 페이지
New “Sanity” system. Sanity goes down when killing an enemy, chopping limbs, a lot when eating an enemy and slowly while in caves. Sanity goes up when sleeping, listening to music, eating fresh non limb meat and slowly while restoring energy on bench. Viewable in stats page of book.
/새로운 시스템"Sanity(심리상태)". 적을 죽이거나, 시체를 토막내거나, 많은 식인을 했을때, 동굴에 있는동안 천천히 다운됩니다.
회복시키려면 자거나, 음악을 듣거나, 시체가 아닌 신선한 고기를 먹거나, 벤치에 앉아서 쉴때 천천히 회복됩니다. 이는 생존책의  Stats 페이지에서 확인 할 수 있습니다.
(Multiplayer) Fixed drowning, player can no longer be revived after dying this way
/멀티) 플레이어가 죽고나서 오랫동안 부활하지 않는점 수정
(Multiplayer) Fixed trees not always properly updated for clients
/멀티) 나무가 항상 정상적으로 성장하지 않는점
Unlit molotov broken on the ground can now be set alight with another lit molotov for a greater fire effect
/화염병을 땅에 던질때 다른 화염병과 연쇄발화시 대형 화염효과
Tennis balls can now trigger trip wire traps
/네이스공으로 화이어트랩 장치를 할수있다
(Performance) Reduced rendering cost of leaf trap particles
/성능) 리프트랩이 랜더링을 덜 소모함
Fixed some instances of rocks floating and some cave models poking through into terrain
/수정) 바위와 동굴등이 쓸데없이 지형에 간섭하는것 수정 (???)
Enemy held club and club crafted now both get bloody when used
/적에게 클럽과 크래프티드 클럽을 사용하면 피를 뿜는다
Fixed some structures not cutting grass when placed
/수정) 일부 구조물을 지을때 잔디가 그대로 있는점
Reworked fern UVs and textures
/재작업) 양치식물의 햇빛과 텍스쳐
*이하 포기;;
Fixed issues with player getting thrown upwards when jumping off raft into water
(Balance) Reduced respawn rate of enemies in MP, overall increased randomness of enemy encounters
(Balance) Made it easier to knock enemies to the ground when attacking with melee weapons
Improved accuracy of enemy pathfinding, should result in less instances of getting stuck on structures/objects
Fixed rock pit fire and stick marker ghost using wrong icon
Crow bird type added to game (placeholder art)
New art added: improved inventory tarp textures
New art added: Reworked bird texture (bird land on finger)
New art added: Revised shipping containers
New art added: Reworked tortoise texture
New art added: Far back snow terrain cliff type now has partial grass variation
(Visuals) Improved moss shader
New “Currently Feeling” system In stats pages, tells which survival stat is currently of greatest concern
Birds can now land on and peck at dead bodies
Pond seaweed is now cuttable and has touch bending
Fixed enemies sometimes getting stuck on unwalkable terrain when spawned a long way from player
Reworked Snowberry bush
(Balance) Reduced health of skinny and pale skinny mutants
(Balance) Meds added to Cave 2
Removed the tutorial image that first comes up when book is first opened completely.
Got rid of book auto opening to tutorial pages. Now shows extended tab and sheen when a page should be checked
Combined Run & Underwater Breathing silent skills into ‘Athleticism’ stat which goes up from both swimming and running
Added new “Strength” stat. Goes up every day while eating well and chopping trees. Goes down when over exerted and underfed
Added “Weight” stat. Goes up and down based on food consumption
Being overweight lowers Athleticism
(Balance) Tripwire traps now use cloth instead of rope to make building them early on more viable
(Balance) Large cloth jumpers in suitcase now give 2-3 pieces of cloth
(Balance) Some laptops have a chance of being around crash site
More bats added to caves
Fixed missing wall in cave 3
(Balance) Lowered log transportation energy cost
(Balance) Lowered energy loss while hungry
(Balance) Lowered both cold and not cold constant energy cost
(Balance) Halved weapon attack energy cost
Water areas added to cave map
(Audio) Fixed SFX for felled trees breaking apart being inaudible to multiplayer clients
(Multiplayer) Fixed skulls not spawning when cooking head for clients
Added Food Poisoning: has 20% chance of kicking in when getting damage from food. Can be cured with aloe or by sleeping. Lowers fullness/thirst/health/energy regeneration from consuming edible items
Added Blood Infection: has 25% chance to happen when receiving physical damage while bloody. Can be cured with aloe or goes away automatically after 2 in game days. Lowers Strength
After being out of fuel 2 times, fires are automatically destroyed
Windows/doors of procedural walls can only be changed when hands are empty of logs
It is no longer possible to drink from water collector when water isn't visible (amount < 1) and balanced amount of water available to compensate
Fixed logs sometimes spawning bellow terrain (made some trees look like they didn’t provide their full yield)
Trip wire molotov trap now costs cloth & booze instead of molotov
(Audio) Crow Sounds added
Lit fires now have a chance to attract nearby enemies to come and investigate
Nearby enemies are now attracted by the sound of falling trees
(Audio) - Fire crackle and pop added
(Multiplayer) Fixed (hopefully for good) logs sometimes getting stuck mid air
Added stippling to numerous props
Player now has a chance to gain seeds when harvesting berries
Maple bark made darker
New slide into cave system added to cave entrances!
Fixed some items in cockpit sunken below mesh
Fixed extra decorative sticks appearing in sinkhole
Fixed areas in caves where thin lines of light were coming in from above
Fixed rock partially blocking cave 5 climb out entrance
Fixed some issues with cave particles flickering off based on camera angle
Fixed upgrading crafted club not working correctly
Treesap balance: increased building repair cost and lowered gain from cutting trees down
(Audio) Wet footsteps tuned
(Audio) Plane start sequence improved
(Multiplayer) Fixed fueling fire with leaves/cash not working for client
Fixed bonfire destruction not working
Fixed weapons not becoming bloody when hitting enemies (was only getting
bloody when chopping up bodies)
Fixed thrown spear not always killing deer
(Multiplayer) Fixed fire arrows sometimes kicking clients
Passenger manifest now auto closes after 3 seconds after it auto opened upon finding first passenger
Fixed issue where noose trap could not be reset if sprung by player
출처 https://www.facebook.com/SKSgames/posts/1193312384016203

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