In the days when I was sitting in his class, he omitted so many needless words ,and omitted them so forcibly and such eagerness and obvious relish, that he often seemed in the position of having shortchanged himself-a man left with nothing more to say yet with time to fill,a radio prophet who had outdistanced the clock
문장에 밑줄그어놓은 that에 관한건대요 저기 that이 무슨역할을 하는거죠? that없어도 될거 같은데 또 이건 추가적으로 물어보는 건데요 shortchanged
himself가 무슨뜻이죠? 자기자신을 곤란에 빠트리다 이런의미인가요?
저 문장이 쓰여진 맥락은 자기 스승님의 모습을 회상하는 장면이 나오는 부분이었어요