해외 호스팅 업체에서 갑자기 메일이 왔는데.저게 뭔소리인가요?
작년(2015년)에 테스트 삼아서 개발한다고 한 번 쓴 적은 있고, 그 이후로 한 번도 트래픽 발생한 적도 없고 가상 OS도 지워버렸는데..
7.01 달러를 내라는 말인가요?
아니면 내 계좌에 7.01이 남아 있다는 말인가요..
* 아래는 메일 내용입니다.
We hope that you’ve been enjoying your experience on DigitalOcean! We want to give you a heads up that you have credit that will be expiring on May 1st. You’re able to use that remaining credit in the month of April.
Here’s an overview of the credit on your account ( that is set to expire:
Credit Name | Amount Remaining | Issue Date |
Promotional Credit from Referree10! | $7.01 | 03/23/2015 |
We’re truly sorry if this came as a surprise. As of March 2015, we revised our
Terms of Service announcing that we’re no longer able to offer credits that do not expire, and any unused credit added to your account more than 12 months ago will expire. Our top priority is to continue to re-invest back into our hardware, product, and features to build the best experience for our customers.
If you have any questions about your expiring credit, or feedback about using DigitalOcean, feel free to
open a ticket and our Support team will be glad to help.