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또 하나의 세상. UnReal World
게시물ID : gameroom_8517짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 가을。말띠
추천 : 0
조회수 : 1911회
댓글수 : 6개
등록시간 : 2006/01/29 14:29:21
UnReal World (URW) WHAT IS URW? UnReal World, UrW, is a unique graphical roguelikish RPG taking place in the far North ages ago. It brings you realistic game world with lots of historical traits as well as northern folklore, beliefs and way of life. Features and atmosphere of the game are very original and fascinating. As a member of one of the nine varying cultures you'll enter a very realistic, enchanting and charming game system & world: lots of full-of-feeling graphics, pictures and original sounds and musics play freely or follow various game courses in a huge randomly generated world skill-based system including tens of skills from COOKERY to HIDEWORKING intelligent creatures and fellow-men find excitement from the everyday life and surviving in the harsh wilderness keep up relationships with spiritual world and supernatural guardians of the nature ..there are infinite ways to play; as a fisherman, a hermit seeking for the peace, a brave adventurer, a rough hunter, a trapper or a tradesman etc. Everything is up to you. UrW is able to run in systems with MS-DOS or Windows 3.1/95/98/NT, 16MB RAM, 800x600 VESA compatible display and SoundBlaster compatible souncard (optional) 해석이 안되는 분들을 위해 게임을 소개를 하자면, 길게 하기 귀찮으니 -.- -> 척박한 핀란드 땅에서 살아남기 입니다. 초저사양이라는 것을 알 수 있군요 ^ ^ 도스에서도 돌릴 수 -.- http://www.jmp.fi/~smaarane/urw.html 여기서 다운 받으시면 되요 귀찮으신 분들을 위해서.. http://urw.pasanen.net/urw290b.exe 여기를 통해 곧바로 받을 수 있습니다. 받으면 게임이 실행하면 뭐가 뭔지 모르겠는데 등록을 하라고 또 게임을 하지도 못 할 것입니다. http://kr.dcinside2.imagesearch.yahoo.com/zb40/zboard.php?id=game1&page=5&sn1=&divpage=8&banner=&sn=off&ss=on&sc=on&keyword=urw&select_arrange=headnum&desc=asc&no=54981 여기서 다운로드#2 부분의 것을 받으시면 됩니다. 받으시고 게임이 깔려있는 폴더에 압축을 풀기만 하면 됩니다.
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