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게시물ID : music_122178짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : BeeMo
추천 : 4
조회수 : 391회
댓글수 : 0개
등록시간 : 2016/02/07 22:25:15

Chet Baker - I get along without you very well

I get along without you very well
Of course, I do
Except when soft rains fall
And drip from leaves
Then I recall
The thrill of being sheltered in your arms
Of course, I do
But I get along without you very well

I've forgotten you just like I should
Of course, I have
Except to hear your name
Or someone's laugh that is the same
But I've forgotten you just like I should

What a guy
What a fool am I
To think my breaking heart
Could kid the moon
What's in store
Should I fall once more
No, it's best that I stick to my tune

I get along without you very well
Of course, I do
Except perhaps in Spring
But I should never think of Spring
For that would surely break my heart in two

What's in store
Should I fall once more
No, it's best that I stick to my tune

I get along without you very well
Of course, I do
Except perhaps in Spring
But I should never think of Spring
For that would surely break my heart in two
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