옵션 |
A new map has been added to Co-op Missions: The Vermillion Problem.
Your workers need to hurry to bring crystals to the Environmental Stabilizer.
Be careful to avoid the tidal waves! They can get pretty…hot.
This map is available to all players, including those with the Starter Edition.
For more information about this new map, check out our blog.
버밀리온의 특종 추가.
설명은 생략
A new Abathur portrait has been added for completing the achievement “Evolution Master”.
진화군주 업적(아바투르 업적 전체 클리어)에 초상화 추가
The name of the Weekly Mutation will now display on the Loading Screen instead of the name of the map.
맵 이름(ex. 승천의 사슬, 공허의 출격)대신 주간 돌연변이원의 이름(ex. 선제 공격, 하얀 세상)이 로딩화면에 표시됨.
It is now possible to spend up to 30 Mastery points in a single Mastery category.
한 특성에 마스터 레벨 포인트 30까지 투자 가능
Commanders Raynor Mastery: Medics heal a nearby additional target for X% of heal.
Increased to 3% per level, up from 2%.
레이너 마스터레벨 의무관 병력 추가 치유 레벨당 2퍼 -> 3퍼
Abathur Mend This is now a map-wide ability, instead of a targeted area.
Base cooldown increased to 150 seconds.
Improved Mend upgrade reduces the cooldown to 120 seconds.
아바투르 사령관 능력 치유가 글로벌 기술이 되었지만 기본쿨 150초, 5레벨 달성시 120초로 증가
Evolution Chamber – Upgrade Swarm Queen Transformation
Description now properly states that it increases the heal amount by 10.
진화장의 군단 여왕 치유능력 업그레이드 설명이 제대로 바뀜.(이건 어떻게 바뀌었는지 잘 모르겠음)
Reduced the size of the Swarm Host by 10%. This should improve their pathing and mobility.
군숙 크기 10퍼 감소.
Co-op Missions
Fixed various tooltip typos and errors.
Fixed an issue where Weekly Mutator Challenges were not properly tracked.
Fixed an issue where Artanis’ Warp Haste Mastery was incorrectly awarding too much additional attack speed.
Fixed an issue where Karax’s Purifier Beam could mistakenly be eliminated or affected by map objectives.
Fixed an issue where the Overseer, Nydus Network and Swarm Host were not displaying on Abathur’s Units list.
Fixed an issue where Artanis’ Guardian Shell ability could take damage after it triggers.
Fixed an issue where worker status labels would sometimes not update correctly.
Fixed an issue where the Hydralisk model in Kerrigan’s Unit list did not update properly after her level 5 upgrade.
Fixed an issue where the Viper’s Abduct ability did not apply a debuff icon.
Fixed an issue where the Viper’s Abduct ability ignored the Frenzied passive ability on Ultralisks.
Fixed an issue where a Cocoon absorbed Biomass and it did not properly transfer to the birthed unit.
Fixed an issue where the Brutalisk’s life bar could overlap the unit.
Fixed an issue where the Brutalisk and Leviathan Cocoons ignored status effects.
Fixed an issue where the Twister Mutator could sometimes force units to become stuck.
툴팁 오타/오류, 알타 마스터레벨 소환된 유닛 속도 향상이 공격속도를 지나치게 많이 올려주는 현상, 카락스 정화광선이 회오리나 눈보라 등에 영향받는 현상, 알타 수호보호막 발동 후에도 데미지 입는 현상 등등
자잘한 것들을 고침
전 협동전밖에 안하기에 협동전부분만 뜯어왔습니다.
애초에 래더패치내역도 없음.
이 짧은거 번역하는거도 더럽게 귀찮네요.
이미 보실 분들은 다 보고 오셨겠지만 혹시 안보신 분들 있을까봐.
근데 어차피 12시간정도밖에 안남았잖아? 안될꺼야 아마
혹시 오역있으면 걸러보시라고 원문도 가져옴
출처 | http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/game/patch-notes/3-3-2 |