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백악관 싸드 서명 공식답변 번역본
게시물ID : freeboard_1358586짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : Bernie4_2016
추천 : 2
조회수 : 291회
댓글수 : 2개
등록시간 : 2016/10/10 00:59:24

A response for your petition on defense systems in South Korea:

당신의 대한민국의 방어 시스템에 대한 서명에 드리는 답변:


Thank you for signing this petition reflecting U.S. policy in the Korean peninsula.

한반도의 싸드에대한 미합중국의 정책에대한 서명에 싸인을 해주셔서 감사드립니다.

Under President Obama, the United States and the Republic of Korea (ROK)

have worked to strengthen our alliance, which helps ensure a peaceful, secure,

 and prosperous future on the peninsula and in the Asia-Pacific region. 

오바마 대통령 아래서 미합중국(이하 미국) 대한민국(이하 한국) 우리의 동맹으 더욱 강하게하고 평화를 지키며 안전하고 한반도를 포함한 아시아 태평양지역의 번영을 위해 노력해왔습니다.

A key part of our alliance includes strong support from the United States in defense of the ROK when needed.

동맹의 열쇠중 한국이 방어가 필요할시,방어를 위해 필요한 지원또한 포함되어 있습니다,

In addition to the nuclear tests North Korea conducted in January and September of this year, North Korea performed multiple ballistic missile tests that directly violated several UN Security Council Resolutions.

더이어 북한의 지난 2월과 9월의 핵실험그리고 탄도 미사일 실험은 UN안보리에 직접적인 위협을 가했습니다.

 These provocative actions highlight the grave threat these actions pose to the peace and security of the entire Asia-Pacific region.

이와같은 자극적인 행동들은 아태지역의 평화와 안전에  자극을 주었습니다.


In February of this year, in response to the growing threat posed by North Korea's nuclear and missile programs, the United States and the ROK began discussions to consider deploying a Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system

올해 1북한의 커지는 핵그리고 미사일 프로그램의 위협에 대응 하고자 미국과 한국 군대는 싸드에대해논의하기 시작했습니다

 -- a mobile anti-missile defense system –

(--휴대용 미사일 방어 체계--)

in order to improve the missile defense posture of the U.S.-ROK Alliance.

미사일 방어에대한 미합중국-대한민국의 자세를 발전시키기위해서 말이죠

Because of North Korea's continued provocations and refusal to engage in serious negotiations on denuclearization, the United States and ROK jointly decided to deploy THAAD as a purely defensive measure on July 8.

북한이 지속적으로 비핵화 협상에 참여하기를 거부하였기에 미국과 한국은  지난 78 싸드를 순수 방어의 목적으로 설치하기로 하였습니다

The THAAD battery will be focused solely on countering the North Korean nuclear and ballistic missile threat. 

싸드의 전력(배터리) 북한을 감시하는용도로만 사용될것입니다.

THAAD will improve the U.S.-ROK joint missile defense posture in countering short-and medium-range regional ballistic missiles.

싸드는 미국과 한국의 ,중거리 탄도 미사일 방어 체계에대한 동맹을 발전시켜줄  입니다.

 It will not undermine China's or Russia's strategic deterrent.

우리는 중국과 러시아의 전략적 억제력을 침해하지 않을것 입니다.


 The United States is working with the ROK to deploy this system as soon as feasible in order to more safely defend our ROK Ally and U.S. military personnel deployed to the region from the North Korea nuclear and ballistic missile threat.

미국은 한국과 가능한 빠른 시일내에  체계를 미국-한국 연합과 미군을 북한의 핵과 미사일이 위협으로부터 안전히 보호하기위해 배치할것 입니다.  

This decision reflects our ironclad commitment to defend our South Korean allies, especially in the face of the North Korean ballistic missile and nuclear threats.

 결정은 우리(미국) 대한민국의 연합을 특별히 북한의 핵과 미사일 위협을 받고있는 상황으로부터지키기위한 강한 의지를 반영하고 있습니다.


Thank you for signing this petition and your interest in U.S. National security. We hope that you continue to share your views with the Administration.

해주신 서명과 미국 안보에대한 관심에 대해 감사드리며 우리 부처와 당신의 관점을 지속적으로 공유해주시기를 희망합니다.

--We the People Team


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