- 26 -
Q: Socks? Sweaters? Juice Boxes? Anything!?
AB: How 'bout everthin'?
- 27 -
Q: Can we have a pic of you three sharing the fourth doctor's scarf?
It's warm, it's cozy, and it may or may not help you get your cutie marks.
Q: What about blankets and scarves!
Scoot: I can't breathe...
AB: Shut up an' be cute.
Scoot: I DON'T want to be cute! And by the way, Why are we using this background again?
AB: 'Cause it makes the whole thing look cuter.
Sweetie: Maybe being cute is our special talent!
Scoot: I'm afraid of checking my flank...
Q: Can you do something adorable?
Sweetie: Kssh! Warning: Cuteness Overload!
Sweetie: *giggle*
Scoot: Being cute is painful...
- 28 -
Q: who do you guys look like without hair
AB: "Who" Who? what? Is that even a question?
Scoot: I think I don't get it. Sorry, Anon.
Sweetie: Actually, I think he means How-
AB: Ya DON'T want to be bald, right?
- 29 -
Q: Giving presents to fillies on Hearth's Warming gives me a warm feeling in my heart. (...) You three HAVE been good this year, right?
AB: Yeeeeeeeeees!
Scoot: Of cooooouuurse!
Sweetie: Well, um... Actually, we haven't been that g-
Sweetie: -oof!
Sweetie: Ouch! My neck!
My neck and back!
- 30 -
Q: Seen the flying Rainbow Dash chubbie, yet?
Sweetie: The what?
RDC: Wheeeeeeeeeeee!
AB: ...What the hay was that...?
- 31 -
Q: Hi CMC....i got a misletoe...can i have a kiss plz...you might get your cutiy mark for kissing :P
Sweetie: On the cheek, right?
Sweetie: What?
큐티마크 크루세이더즈에게 물어봐!!
사람들이 이상한 질문 하고있어.;;
28편은 이해가 잘 안가네요.;;
30편의 처비(chubbie)는 뭐로할까 하다가
괜히 쌩단어 만드는거같아서
그냥 발음 그대로 적었습니다.
전의 번역된 단어가 있으면 가르쳐주시면
능력자님들 HELP MEEE...
사람언어를 포니언어로 바꾼 단어들이
확인이 잘 안되서 오역이 생길수도 있습니다. ㅠㅠ
오역, 어색한 번역 지적시 감사히 수정하겠습니다.^^
번역체에서 대화체로 바꾸는 과정에서
세세한 부분이 약간 바뀌었을수 있습니다. ^^;
P.S.: 이 편들 올라온 때가 크리스마스 시즌이었나 봅니다.
P.S.2: 뒷벽의 CMC공연 포스터 추가합니다.^^