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Erlend Øye Feat. Minizza - The Athlete
게시물ID : music_142428짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : PennunPentu
추천 : 4
조회수 : 149회
댓글수 : 1개
등록시간 : 2017/08/07 15:30:01

On a racecourse, there's a race to reach an end.
Someone's calling the decathlon athlete's name.
Further focus on the discipline applied or through constant shifts of exercise.

Quatre cents mètres,
saut à la perche,
mille cinq mètres,
cent mètres,
saut en hauteur,
lancer du javelot,
du poids et du disque,
cent dix mètres haies,
saut en longueur.

There's a battle between the athlete and himself and between him and the people there to help.
Their incentive is for the pressure to conceive the ignition of another level of reach.
Do I want this?
Do I want this in my life?
Is it worth it?
Worth the sacrifice?
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