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Kings of Convenience - Failure
게시물ID : music_145976짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : PennunPentu
추천 : 5
조회수 : 183회
댓글수 : 1개
등록시간 : 2017/10/19 10:19:28

Kings Of Convenience "Failure" from François Nemeta on Vimeo.

Using the Guardian as a shield, 
To cover my thighs against the rain, 
I do not mind about my hair. 
Your jacket may be waterproof, 
But I know the moment you get home 
You're gonna get your trousers changed. 
Failure is always the best way to learn, 
Retracing your steps until you know, 
Have no fear your wounds will heal. 
I wish I could travel overground 

To where all you hear is water sounds, 
Lush as the wind upon a tree. 
I wish I could travel overground 
To where all you hear is water sounds, 
To capture and keep inside of me. 
Failure is always the best way to lean, 
Retracing your steps until you know, 
Have no fear your wounds will heal.

Written by Eirik Glambek Bøe, Erlend Otre Øye • Copyright © Universal Music Publishing Group

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