인그래스 만랩(16랩)요원만 포탈 심사를 할 수 있었는데...
금일부터 15레벨 부터 가능으로 변경 되었습니다.
단순히 1렙차이를 넘어서
16렙과 15렙 유저 차이는 생각보다 큽니다.
이 중 과연 몇명이 포탈 리콘(포털 후보지 심사하는 곳)을 진행 할지는 미지수 입니다만.
기존 생성 속도 보다는 빨라 질 것이 분명 합니다.
이하 원문입니다.
Agents, We are thrilled to let everyone know that we will be extending access to Operation Portal Recon to any Agents that are level 15. We are also proud to unveil the design of the tiered medals that can be earned based on the number of quality Portal evaluations conducted by an Agent. This medal will demonstrate your commitment to helping us improve the Portal Network and everyone’s Ingress experience. Specific details about the tiered medals will be unveiled soon. We want to offer special thanks to all of the beta testers and level 16 Agents who analyzed Portal candidates over the last several weeks. There are now 4.5m candidates remaining to be analyzed in Operation Portal Recon and to date, you have been responsible for:1.9m Candidates Analyzed432k Portals rejected182k New Portals introduced to the Portal network.https://opr.ingress.com
포케스탑 걱정없는 포켓몬을
포탈 걱정 없는 인그래스를 위하여!!!
레지스탕스르 위하여!!