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일렉 Tom's Dinner (PH-Electro remix)
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짧은주소 복사하기
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2011/04/04 22:48:18
I am sitting in the morning At the diner on the corner Iam waiting at the counter For the man to pour the coffee And he fills it only halfway And before i even argue He is looking out the window At somebody coming in "It is always nice to see you" Says the man behind the counter To the woman who has come in She is shaking her umbrella And I look the other way As they are kissing their hellos I'm pretending not to see them Instead I pour the milk I open up the paper There's a story of an actor Who had died while he was drinking It was no one I had heard of And I'm turning to the horoscope And looking for the funnies When I'm feeling someone watching me And so I raise my head There's a woman on the outside Looking inside does she see me? No she does not really see me Cause she sees her own reflection And I'm trying not to notice That she's hitching up her skirt And while she's straightening her stockings Her hair is getting wet Oh, this rain it will continue Through the morning as I'm listening To the bells of the cathedral I am thinking of your voice... And of the midnight picnic Once upon a time Before the rain began... I finish up my coffee It's time to catch the train 일렉입니다. 원곡은 정말 차분하고 조용한곡입니다 한여자가 읇조리는 간단한 가사를 통해서 전달하는거구요 전 개인적으로 이거 리믹스된게 너무좋아서 거의 매일듣습니다 . 혼자 방에서 춤출때도 좋아요. 앞으로 일렉 많이올리겠습니다 처음 BGM을 넣어봐서 자료올리시는분들이 얼마나 고생하시는지도 알앗내요 ^^ 즐감하세요. 부산시 동구쪽 초량3동 인창병원 앞쪽에 청송약수삼계탕 맛있어요 많이와주세요. p.s MP3 파일이 필요하신분은 댓글로 이메일 남겨주세요. 보는대로 보내드리겠습니다.
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