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Starsailor - Four to the Floor
게시물ID : music_146911짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 댓글만비공감
추천 : 5
조회수 : 311회
댓글수 : 8개
등록시간 : 2017/11/13 10:52:44
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Starsailor - Four to the Floor

With hand on heart your right from the start
You taught me to take my part
No cross to bear, no reason to care, my life was all up in air

Four to the floor, I was sure, never seeing clear
I could have it all, whenever you are near

The iron hand did not understand the plight of the common man

Four to the floor I was sure, never seeing clear
I could have it all whenever you are near

Four to the floor I was sure, that you would be my girl
We'd rent a little world, have a little girl

Four to the floor I was sure, never seeing clear
I could have it all if only you were here

Four to the floor I was sure that you would be my girl
We'd rent a little world, have a little girl

Four to the floor I was sure never seeing clear
I could have it all whenever you are near
출처 https://youtu.be/oeXWyXlGkyg
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