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강간피해자가 강간범을 불태워 죽인글의 댓글
게시물ID : humordata_1496075짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 오리엉덩짝
추천 : 13
조회수 : 1060회
댓글수 : 5개
등록시간 : 2014/01/20 16:59:36

- Well, he was sorta asking for it, dressing in such flammable clothing.
죽을 짓을 했네. 그러게 누가 그렇게 잘 타는 옷을 입고 다니래.

- If he didn't want to get set on fire, he should have stayed indoors.
불붙는게 싫었으면 집에 있었어야지 ㅉㅉ

- He was probably drinking that night, alcohol makes you susceptible to fire.
아마 술 쳐마셨을듯. 알코올이 들어가면 방화에 약해지잖아

- If It's a legitimate inferno, the male body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.
진짜 방화였다면 남자의 신체 구조상 그게 안 막아질리가 없었는데 말이지

- Why didn't he stop, drop, and roll? He should have stopped, dropped, and rolled. He must have secretly wanted it.
왜 stop, drop and roll(불이 붙으면 멈추고 누워서 구르라는 교과서 방침)을 안 했대? 지도 속으로 즐긴거네.

- If you read the article, eyewitnesses said the man had purchased a lighter earlier that same day.
  Dude probably set himself on fire and lied about it. Typical.
기사를 읽어보면 증인들이 말하길 이 사람은 당일에 라이터를 하나 샀었다고 하잖아. 지 혼자 불 붙여놓고 구라쳤구만. 뻔하지.

- He should have relaxed and enjoyed it. After all it was just a bit of kindling cuddling.
그냥 긴장 풀고 즐겼으면 됐을 텐데. 어차피 이것도 다 일종의 애정표현이었을텐데 말이야.

- We need to start educating people about wearing fire-safe clothing and carrying extinguishers with then at all times.
  For their own safety.
이제부터 사람들한테 '방화를 방지할 수 있는 옷'같은걸 입고 다니고, 소화기도 하나씩 들고 다니라고 교육시켜야겠네. 지 몸은 지가 챙겨야지.

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