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어떤모듈 실행법인데..
게시물ID : programmer_15094짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : kasiotori
추천 : 0
조회수 : 482회
댓글수 : 1개
등록시간 : 2015/12/20 21:33:07
  • 본인삭제금지
  • 외부펌금지
깃허브 :https://github.com/Sembiance/heroesjson

api설명 :

Whenever a new patch hits Heroes of the Storm, you basically
 run two nodejs scripts against the install directory. Th
 is generates static JSON and web files which you then deploy using rsync to a server running nginx to server them up.

Full details:
1. Update Heroes of the Storm under windows and run it at least once
2. Copy/make available the entire 'Heroes of the Storm' directory over to where you have heroesjson
3. The shared/C.js file contains many constants, you will likely need to add any new heroes 
in the new patch to C.EXTRA_HEROES_GAMEDATA_FOLDERS (Use CascView (http://www.zezula.net/en/casc/main.html)
 under windows to 'browse' the game files to determine what the correct directory name is for the new heroes)
4. Run: node generate.js "/path/to/Heroes of the Storm"
5. Fix any issues that are shown,
 usually this involves changing one or more constants in C.js or in some cases fixing something in generate.js
6. Update web/changelog.json with a new entry
7. Run: node web/generate.js "/path/to/Heroes of the Storm"
8. Run: node util/compareRelease.js
9. If everything in the above compare looks ok,
 finally manually look at the new heroes.json file 
 and check out any new heroes and make sure things look ok
  (I use Chrome with the JSONView extension
   and simply open up the heroes.json file with my web browser from disk)
10. Check 'dev.heroesjson.com' and make sure the website looks ok
11. Run: cd deploy && ./deploy.sh
12. Check 'heroesjson.com' and make sure it looks ok

제목 없음.png

실행법을 보면 node generate.js /설치된 게임 폴더 위치(hots)  이렇게 쓰는거 같아서 했더니 사용법이 틀렸다고 계속나와서

못써보고 있는데 혹시 이것만 보고 실행법을 알아 보실수있으신분 계신가요 ㄷㄷ

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