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An Innis Aigh(행복한 섬)
게시물ID : music_159243짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : triumphjjm
추천 : 2
조회수 : 626회
댓글수 : 2개
등록시간 : 2019/04/20 01:01:55

내가 좋아하는 음악437

An Innis Aigh 
- The Rankin Family


Seinn an duan seo dhan Innis Àigh,

An innis uaine as gile tràigh;

Bidh sian air uairean a' bagairt cruaidh ris

Ach 's e mo luaidh-sa bhith ann a' tàmh.


Càit' as tràith' an tig samhradh caomh

Càit' as tràith' an tig blàth air craoibh

Càit' as bòidhche an seinn an smeòrach

Air bhàrr nan ògan? 'S an Innis Àigh!


An t-iasg as fiachaile dlùth don tràigh

Is ann m'a chrìochan is miann leis tàmh;

Bidh gillean èasgaidh le dorgh is lìontan

Moch, moch ga iarraidh mun Innis Àigh.


Tiugainn leam-sa chun na tràigh

'S an fheasgar chìuin-ghil aig àm an làin,

'S chì thu 'm bòidhchead 's an liuthad seòrsa

De dh'eòin tha còmhnaidh 's an Innis Àigh.


'S ged thèid mi cuairt chun an taoibh ud thall,

'S mi 'n dùil air uairibh gu fan mi ann,

Tha tàladh uaigneach le teas nach fuaraich

Gam tharraing buan don Innis Àigh.


O 's geàrr an ùine gu 'n teirig là;

Thig an oidhche 's gun iarr mi tàmh.

Mo chadal buan-sa bidh e cho suaimhneach

Ma bhios mo chluasag 's an Innis Àigh.



Sing this song to the Happy Island,

The green isle with the whitest beach;

Storms sometimes attack it severely,

But I love to live there.


Where does gentle summer arrive earlier

Where does blossom appear on trees earlier

Where does the thrush sing more beautifully

On the young branches? In the Happy Island.


The most valuable fish close to shore

Prefers to live near your boundaries;

Active lads with handlines and nets

Fish very early around the Happy Island.


Come with me to the beach

On a calm evening at high tide,

And you will see the beauty and many species

Of birds that live in the Happy Island.


And although I go to visit yonder country-side,

Sometimes thinking that I may stay there,

A mysterious attraction with heat that will not cool

Draws me relentlessly to the Happy Island.


Oh, the time is short till the day ends;

Night will come and I will seek rest;

My eternal slumber will be so tranquil

If my pillow is in the Happy Island.

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