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[호습 곤란 주의/ 초스압] 꺄아아아아앙아아아아악!
게시물ID : humordata_1620492짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 210240
추천 : 10
조회수 : 2095회
댓글수 : 47개
등록시간 : 2015/07/23 15:31:41
  • 펌글
ThisOcd NightmareReally?Just Noticed This In The Living RoomStick Your Conformist Pattern Where The Sun Doesn't ShineThisYou Had One JobJust Burn Down The Whole Damn ParkAll Of These Lights Are OffMy Wife Is A MonsterToughest Ocd Decision Of My LifeThat Feeling When You See Something Like ThisYou Had One JobGot Ocd? You're WelcomeMy Ocd Gland Is Going HaywireThis Will Set Off Your OcdThisToughest Ocd Decision Of My LifeMy Ocd Senses Are TinglingOCD NightmareStuff Like This Gets My Ocd Juices FlowingThe Finnish Milk Cartons Changed The Way They Are OpenedPaved Street Im RomaniaThis LightMy Ocd Senses Are TinglingWhen Erasers Do ThisOdc NightmareMy Hallway Has Annoyed The Crap Out If Me All My Life.Quilt Mania - No, I Couldn't Actually Leave It This Way!
출처 http://www.boredpanda.com/irritating-annoying-ocd-imperfection/
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