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Beatallica - Hey Dude
게시물ID : music_18777짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 8비트
추천 : 0
조회수 : 322회
댓글수 : 0개
등록시간 : 2011/06/01 19:39:56
Hey, dude-it'z true not sad Take a thrash song and make it better Remembah! That metal iz in your heart Then you can start to be a fretter Hey, dude-don't be fuckin' 'fraid You were made to go be a shreader The minute you let us under your skin Then you'll begin to be a fretter So crank your amp and deal the pain Hey, dude-you're fuckin' insane! The riverz run red with blood of poseurs And don't you know that he'z the fool Who playz it cool But needz for hiz beer to be much colder Hey, dude-nevah turn it down! You must pound her, I mean Kip Winger New wave of British heavy metal iz in your heart And you can start with Diamond Headerz So let it out! Let it in! Hey, dude, begin Don't wait for the Eye of the Beholder You'll never know when bellz toll for you Hey, dude, you'll do Just sling that flying-V 'cross your shoulder Hey, dude-it'z true not sad Take a thrash song and make it better Admit it! Beatallica'z under your skin! So now begin to be a shreader
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