보통 몇문장정도는 해석할수 있는데 이건 도저히 못하겠어요 하나도 모르겠네요ㅠㅠ Do you ever wish you could grow taller, more muscular or less fat? Everybody knows that regular exercise can help to encourage a healthy physique, but did you know that there's another, very important thing you can do to make yourself more attractive? It's 이지. To become really attractive, don't try to become somebody else. just be you. Don't compare yourself to others. Appreciate who you are and judge yourself according to your own personal standards. If you can learn to be comfortable with yourself, you will become much more attractive to yourself and everyone around you. 대체 뭐라 하는건지 모르겠어요ㅠㅠ