The onset of adolescence is bound up with physical and emotional changes rather than chronological age.
The point is that although we all respond to all of these stimuli, for most of us, one or other of them (visual, auditory, kinaesthetic) is more powerful than the others in enabling us to learn and remember what we have learnt.
Intrinsic motivation: is generated by what happens inside the classroom; this could be the teachers’ methods. the activities that students take part in, or their perception of their success of failure.
While it may be relatively easy to be extrinsically motivated, sustaining that motivation can be more problematic.
We need to ask ourselves what kind of personality we want our students to encounter, and the decisions we take before and during lessons should help to demonstrate that personality.
It is the behavior we want to criticize, not the character of the student in question.
Sometimes our knowledge of the language system may not be adequate for certain kind of on-the-spot questions about subtleties.
If teachers are using a coursebook, students expect them to know how the materials work.
Their confidence will be greatly enhanced if they can see that the teacher has looked at the material they are using before the lesson, and has worked out a way of dealing with it.
Perhaps they should have their attention drawn to aspects of language so that they can notice these aspects; as a result they will recognize them when they come across them again, and this recognition will be the first stage in their ‘knowing’ of the language which will be available for them to use.
Both abstract theory and practical techniques have been debated, have gone in and out of fashion, and have influenced what was and in included in classrooms and teaching materials.
The Grammar-translation method introduced the idea of presenting students with short grammar rules and word lists, and then translation exercises in which they had to make use of the same rules and words.
Both Audio-lingualism and its assimilation into structural situationalism have their modern equivalent in the procedure which is often referred to as PPP.
Voiced consonants are those where we close the vocal cords in our throat and they vibrate as the air form the lungs passes between them.
Choice of certain 펑셔널/기능적인(필터링에 걸리네요;;) exponent will depend on exactly how formal, informal, direct, indirect, etc.
This explain and practice approach to teaching aspects of the language system looks very much like a straight arrow sequence in which the order of elements is engage - study - activate.
This boomerang-type lesson (engage - activate - study) is especially appropriate where language study arises out of skills work on reading and listening texts.
This practice helps them to internalize how the language is constructed so that when it passes from their short-term memory to their long-term memory, they know how it is put together.