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No Sanctuary Here
게시물ID : music_168764짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : triumphjjm
추천 : 3
조회수 : 253회
댓글수 : 2개
등록시간 : 2021/06/27 00:14:52

내가 좋아하는 음악 1624

No Sanctuary Here

- Chris Jones


Caesar called for a census
The boss wanna know what's goin' on
So Joseph and Mary hit the road
With Mary nigh on nine months gone
And you know we're talkin' 'bout a hell of a walk
And they had no place to stay
They tried the inns and the hotels
But message was plain as day, you get
No refuge, no respite, and no sanctuary here
No refuge, no respite, and no sanctuary here
Juan and his Juanita
And a baby boy they'd named Miguel
On the other side of the line it's Heaven
On this side it's a livin' Hell
So you do what it takes, pick up stakes
And try to escape the drought
But when you get to the border
The INS has got the welcome wagon out, you get
No refuge, no respite, and no sanctuary here
No refuge, no respite, and no sanctuary here

Now you got your haves and your have-nots
And almost nothin' in between
Religions that preach about lovin' your brother
But they're run by the foldin' green
Now there's a lot of folks looking over the edge
Of that plate we've piled so high
When they all decide to come over the border
Time to kiss it all goodbye, there'll be
No refuge, no respite, and no sanctuary here
No refuge, and no respite, and no sanctuary here
No refuge, no respite, and no sanctuary here
No refuge, no respite, and no sanctuary here
No sanctuary here
No sanctuary here
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