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SilverChair - Ana's Song
게시물ID : music_19102짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 8비트
추천 : 0
조회수 : 247회
댓글수 : 0개
등록시간 : 2011/06/06 22:25:46
Please die Ana For as long as you're here we're not You make the sound of laughter And sharpened nails seem softer And I need you now somehow Open fire on the needs designed On my knees for you Open fire on my knees desires What I need from you Imagine pageant In my head the flesh seems thicker Sandpaper tears Corrode the film And I need you now somehow Open fire on the needs designed On my knees for you Open fire on my knees desires What I need from you And you're my obsession I love you to the bones And Ana wrecks your life Like an anorexia life Open fire on the needs designed On my knees for you Open fire on my knees desires What I need from you
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