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[메탈] Pantera - I'm Broken
게시물ID : music_19277짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 8비트
추천 : 0
조회수 : 291회
댓글수 : 0개
등록시간 : 2011/06/09 19:10:39
I wonder if we'll smile in our coffins while loved ones mourn the day, the absence of our faces, living, laughing, eyes awake. Is this too much for them to take? Too young for ones conclusion, the lifestyle won. Such values you taught your son. Thats how! Look at me now. I'm broken. Inherit my life. I'm broken. One day we all will die, a cliched fact of life. Force fed to make us heed. Inbred to sponge our bleed. Every warning, a leaking rubber, a poison apple for mingled blood. Too young for ones delusion the lifestyle cost Venereal Mother embrace the loss. Thats how! Look at you now. You're broken Inherit your life. You're broken. Thats how! Look at us now. I`m Broken Inherit my life. I`m Broken Thats how! Look at me Now. I`m Broken-I'm-broken I'm-broken-i'm-broke
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