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Loïc Nottet - On Fire
게시물ID : music_170632짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 댓글만비공감
추천 : 3
조회수 : 232회
댓글수 : 2개
등록시간 : 2021/12/29 18:24:14


There was a little boy

Too different to belong

Too lonely to be strong (on fire, on fire, oh)

Laying on the ground

He said that fallin' down

It wouldn't make a sound (on fire, on fire, oh)

* So now I'm gonna show ya

'Til the end of time, 'till the end of time (on fire, on fire)

So now you're gonna know, yeah

Why I'm gonna shine, why I'm gonna shine

** I'm burnin' I'm on fire

Here I am, inside the flames

I don't care anymore, don't need your oxygen

I'm burning in a new way

Here I am taming the flames

Not afraid anymore, strong like a warrior

And when I hit the dust

I'm gonna get up

And light up like a flare

I'll be burnin', -in'

And when I hit the dust

I'm gonna get up

And light up like a flare

I'll be burnin', -in' -in'

There was a little girl

From a broken family

With a silent fantasy (on fire, on fire, oh)

Her head was in the sky

Her heart was made of stars

Her skin was made of scars (on fire, on fire, oh)


Oh, I'm burnin', I'm on fire

Oh, I'm burnin'

** x2



Loïc Nottet - On Fire

출처 https://youtu.be/WqY-v_g0L1w
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