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아름다움은 죄 -파타리로 엔딩-
게시물ID : music_171808짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 콰이어
추천 : 4
조회수 : 902회
댓글수 : 2개
등록시간 : 2022/05/31 00:07:52


레코딩 버전



美しさは罪 ほほえみさえ罪
黒いバラの花 トゲがあるように
優しく つつみこんでゆく
わたしの瞳の 奥を見てごらん
わたしを愛さない ひとは居ない
長い髪は罪 足音さえ罪
たとえ幾千の 時が流れても
心は きっと変わらない
あなたの為なら この命さえも
たとえ捨てて 無くしてもかまわない
わたしを愛さない ひとは居ない
わたしの瞳の 奥を見てごらん
きっとあなたは 離れられなくなる
わたしを愛さない ひとは居ない15
わたしを愛さない ひとは居ない


Beauty is a crime, even smiling is a crime
Black rose, you must have thorns
That gently wrap around you
Look deep into my eyes
Surely you can't leave me
There is no one who doesn't love me
Long hair is a crime, even walking is a crime
Even if thousands of years pass
My heart will never change
Even this life is for you
Even if you lose it or throw it away
There is no one who doesn't love me
Look deep into my eyes
Surely you can't leave me
There is no one who doesn't love me
There is no one who doesn't love me



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