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Blur - Coffee And TV
게시물ID : music_19988짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 8비트
추천 : 1
조회수 : 264회
댓글수 : 1개
등록시간 : 2011/06/16 19:14:55
Do you feel like a chain store? Practically floored One of many zeros Kicked around bored Your ears are full but your empty Holding out your heart To people who never really Care how you are So give me Coffee and TV History I’ve seen so much I’m goin blind And i’m braindead virtually Sociability It’s hard enough for me Take me away form this big bad world And agree to marry me So we can start all over again Do you go to the country It isn’t very far There’s people there who will hurt you Cos of who you are Your ears are full of the language There’s wisdom there you’re sure ’Til the words start slurring And you can’t find the door So give me Coffee and TV History I’ve seen so much I’m goin blind And i’m braindead virtually Sociability It’s hard enough for me Take me away form this big bad world And agree to marry me So we can start all over again So give me Coffee and TV History I’ve seen so much I’m goin blind And i’m braindead virtually Sociability It’s hard enough for me Take me away form this big bad world And agree to marry me So we can start all over again Oh...we could start over again Oh...we could start over again Oh...we could start over again Oh...we could start over again
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