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A Gothic Love Song -Current 93-
게시물ID : music_172817짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 콰이어
추천 : 3
조회수 : 350회
댓글수 : 2개
등록시간 : 2022/09/19 23:57:41

I'm clicking your fingers for a gothic twilight
That actually existed just in your head
Your fingernails painted black
Or bloodred
I forget
And your fake-leather volumes
Jabbering on hell
Manifest decadence was what you hoped to exhail
Your eyes tried so hard to glitter
A star-snuffing black
So you opened your books
And you opened your legs
And so opened your heart
And let in the badness
You claimed
As your friend
With un-angels hovering
Like flies round the orchard
That had covered your soul
Their empire increasing
And your country
Deserted by yourself
The bells of St. Mary call us to remember
That life is with end
And the gestures can kill us
Moreover destroy
And there is one judgment only
Your letters came daily
In French or in German
But they meant to me nothing
I caught the slow cords
And dry ice fogging your mind
I see all too clearly now
Why you could be discarded
And though I could pray for you
I probably shan't
Having had my cup filled up
With your lies
And your makeup
You were nothing
Thinking you're something
And nonetheless I still write this gothic lovesong
A sign to myself
And the memory of my past
I still write this gothic lovesong
A sign to myself
And the memory of my past
And a way to shut out your face
기안84처럼 current93인가 했는데...오컬트 집단이랑 관련있는가 봅니다.

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