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Vivaldi's Song
게시물ID : music_172887짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : triumphjjm
추천 : 4
조회수 : 351회
댓글수 : 2개
등록시간 : 2022/09/28 04:17:56

내가 좋아하는 음악 1965  

Vivaldi's Song 

- Michael Franks


- Woongsan


Lady, when you love me

I feel home, Sweet-home

Inside of your Sublime

This Garden's, sure to grow

You know our love

Is just like Summertime


Parrots, eye the fruit

And we make love

Between the harpsichords, and lutes?

Our greenlimbs, intertwine

You know Our love

Is just like Summertime 


Our souls collide

We slip and slide

We feel no pain

And with our lives, locked together

We weather the Wind and Rain

We grow the Farm

We're safe from Harm

Inside this Circle of Summertime

Both of us know is our Love


Lovers from the past

With poison smiles

All pray, our love will never last

But we... are Trees not Vines

You know our love

Is just like Summertime


As... the song begins

These shipwrecks fade

Behind a wave of violins;

Vivaldi, made us rhyme

You know our love

Is just like Summertime

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