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Tired of Toein' the Line-rocky burnette-
게시물ID : music_173601짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 콰이어
추천 : 3
조회수 : 431회
댓글수 : 4개
등록시간 : 2022/12/30 10:15:32


Baby, I'm tired of toeing the line.
Don't know why you want to jump on me,
Baby, baby, baby, and make-a me cry.
Baby, I, I'm gonna find myself someone new,
Someone who will be true,
But no more toeing the line.
I know it's o-ooh-over, cause I've seen the signs.
Don't let me waste your precious time.
Baby, I'm tired of toeing the line.
If you want to get uh-rid of me,
Baby, baby, baby, you're doin' fine.
Baby, I'm tired of toeing the line.
I'm gonna put on my walkin' shoes
And leave you far behind.
You're rolling over in clover so refined,
But you can't fix this broken heart of mine.
Baby, I'm tired of toeing the line.
Don't know why you want to jump on me,
Baby, baby, baby, and make-a me cry.
Baby, I'm tired of toeing the line.
Don't know why you want to jump on me,
Baby, baby, baby, and make-a me cry.
Baby, I'm tired of toeing the line.
Baby, I'm tired of toeing the line.
Baby, I'm tired of toeing the line.
Baby, I'm tired of toeing the line.
한국어로 번역



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toe the line은 발끝을 선에 맞추다, 규칙을 지키다. 고분고분하다라는 뜻이라고 합니다.

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