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Aja-Steely Dan-
게시물ID : music_173852짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 콰이어
추천 : 3
조회수 : 439회
댓글수 : 2개
등록시간 : 2023/01/30 09:53:29




Up on the hill
People never stare
They just don't care
Chinese music under banyan trees
Here at the dude ranch above the sea
When all my dime dancin' is through
I run to you
Up on the hill
They've got time to burn
There's no return
Double helix in the sky tonight
Throw out the hardware
Let's do it right
When all my dime dancin' is through
I run to you
Up on the hill
They think I'm okay
Or so they say
Chinese music always sets me free
Angular banjoes
Sound good to me
When all my dime dancin' is through

I run to you 



오디오 첵크시 많이 틀어보는 음반이라고 함. 턴테이블이 아니라 파일로 듣는 시절에도 적용되는지는 모르겠음.

aja가 무슨 뜻인지 살펴보니 사람 이름임.

그리스 신화에서는 숲의 여신

힌디어에서는 염소라는 의미라고 함. 

속어: to be hot, sexy, unconditionally beautiful, exoctic, and dark haired.

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