North Paw Directional Anklet Kit
•Put this awesome kit together and always know where magnetic north is.
•You wear the anklet and one of 8 vibrators buzzes to let you know where magnetic north is.
•Eventually, your brain ignores the buzz and you just know where magnetic north is.
•An awesome science project great for science fairs or outdoorsfolks who like not getting lost.
•Includes: 2 pieces of sticky-back velcro, 8 sticky-back velcro dots, 12" of 10 conductor ribbon cable,
87quot; piece of 1/16" shrink tubing, small black plastic enclosure box, LiPo Battery,
10" custom armature fabric (veltex, velcro and zipper) enclosure, custom North Paw V2.0 PCB,
2 x 10kOhm resistors, 1 green LED, 2 x 0.1uF caps (little yellow ones, some have very long leads), 1 large 47uF electrolytic cap,
ATMEGA168 28DIP IC, TPIC 16DIP IC, 1x3 and 2x3 right angle female header sockets for compass (these may be still included,
but are no longer required), 3 pin resonator (blue), switch STDP, 2x5 male right angle motor socket,
LSM303 compass module with headers, 2 x ribbon cable snap (only 1 required), 8 x coin-type vibrating motors, 330 Ohm resistor,
red LED, JST power jack for battery, MAX1555 (SMD device already soldered to the PCB, IC for charging LiPo batteries),
1uF cap (larger yellow capacitor - some have very short leads), USB mini-B jack.
•Power: USB mini-B cable not included (for charging batteries)
•Other Things: wire cutters, wire strippers, soldering iron, solder, clear packing or scotch tape,
and (optional) hot air gun not included either.
•Skill Level: Intermediate (easy-ish, with a couple of advanced steps).
•Dimensions: Fits ankles from approx. 10.5"- 14" in ankle circumference.
출처 -
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오지에서 쓰면 방향을 찾는데 도움이 되겠네요. 도시에서 차면 오해받기 쉽상이겠지만요.^^