Take the razor-sharp away I want to glide into today If I blend my heat with cold there will be a room so bold
And I refuse to see the maze and the anguish on my face in the fortress of my home I am waiting for the dawn
Every raindrop, every raindrop is a blessing
I gave all my gold away to be naked here today I wanna give my loathed sins into the all-forgiving wind I am sinking with no end always floating up again and the clouds are passing by through my window to the sky
Every raindrop, every raindrop is a blessing
Courage is the key courage is the key courage is the key a flood is rising within me
Every raindrop, every raindrop is a blessing
90년대 중후반 스타일입니다. 비트는 드럼엔 베이스에 애시드 재즈 스타일.
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