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게시물ID : medical_17453짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : promenade
추천 : 0
조회수 : 664회
댓글수 : 3개
등록시간 : 2016/04/21 10:00:08

 Abnormal circumferntial mural thickening of a proximal jejunal loop, without evidence of bowel obstruction. the differential includes inflammatory conditions and neoplasm such as lymphoma.


Oral contrast has reached the large bowel without evidence of obstruction. There is smooth concentric mural thickening of a segment of procimal jejunum in the left hemiabdomen. No abnormality is demonstrated in the remainder of the small bowel, althouth motion artifact degrades the images.


a duplicated IVC is noted, with the left IVC draining into the left renal vein.

there is minimal calcific athrosclerosis.

The visualized lung bases demonstrate mild linear opacity in the right middle lobe and lingula likely in keeping with atelectasis/scarring.

고모님은 최근에 자궁암 수술도 하시고 해서 또 암이 아닌가 가슴이 덜컹하시나봐요... 캐나다가 우리나라처럼 의료 선진국이 아닌지, 우리 나라 의사선생님들처럼 친절하게 설명을 잘 안해주나봐요... 

꼭 좀 부탁드릴께요!!

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