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[테라리아]나의 고통은 나만의 고통이 아니었다
게시물ID : gametalk_181295짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : papercraft
추천 : 1
조회수 : 399회
댓글수 : 1개
등록시간 : 2014/05/23 00:47:17
Since 2011....
수많은 이들이 고통속에서 허덕이고 있었습니다. 으하하하하하하하하하핳ㅎ핳핳핳하하핳ㅎ
시부럴 제작자아저씨 뭐하는겨
Have system with Core i5 cpu, 16Gb ram and GTX760 4Gb graphics card. All games works perfectly. Terraria works good at morning, but at the evening I have the same error.

What I did:
- run windows update - does not help
- update graphics driver - does not help
- uninstal XNA and install it - does not help

And the simplest way works for me - I deleted "My Documents/My Games/Terraria/config.dat" file and everything works now.

Please try.
하지만 누군가가 내게 해결책을 알려주었죠.
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