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게시물ID : humordata_182539짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : dsds12
추천 : 2
조회수 : 768회
댓글수 : 4개
등록시간 : 2004/09/23 16:29:10
I go to the beach as often as I can. There is a good beach near where I live and I often spend a whole day there The best part of the beach is the rock pools. These are pools of seawater that stay behind when the tide goes out. I like looking at them because they are often full of different sea creatures There are usually small crabs in the rock pools When I try to touch them they dig holes in the sand and try to hide. Sometimes, But not often, there are little fish. My Favorite creatures are the sea snails and other creatures that live in shells. There are alway lots of little shells in the rock pools and I like to collect them. I have a large collection of shells. They all have special names but I don't know what they are. Usually the shells are empty, but sometimes there is a crab in a shell Yesterday I found a very big shell. I held it up close to my face so that I could look into it. Suddenly a large claw came out of the shell and pinched my nose . -_-; There was a big crab inside! I'll be more careful the next time I look in to a large shell <style>P{margin-top:2px;margin-bottom:2px;}</style>
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