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아버지가 돌아가셔서 유품을 정리하러 갔다.jpg
게시물ID : humordata_1935151짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 우가가
추천 : 15
조회수 : 2411회
댓글수 : 8개
등록시간 : 2022/01/05 19:04:46
  • 펌글







원출처는 못찾고 원문 텍스트가 있어 여기 남깁니다:


My dad died the other week. I got a vidya story about him for you guys 

>Parents split up at early age 

>Didn't see dad very much 

>Every time i went there he always bought me a game 

>Always ended up buying REALLY awesome games (even some more obscure stuff)

>He always said it was luck and that he wasn't into video games 

>Oh well 

>This goes on for years 

>He eventually stops buying games for me since I bought them myself 

>Dad died 

>Went to his place to clean up 

>Open his wardrobe 

>It was filled with tons of video game magazines 

>Check through some of them for nostalgia 

>He had circled games that seemed cooled and left notes like "anon said he wanted an action game"

>Other notes like "work extra buy both?"

>My fucking face when i found out he had spent hours reading about something that he doesnt care about because he cared about me

본문에서의 게이 = anon (익명이용자)


출처 http://huv.kr/pds1120137
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